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Follow the Fish
Follow the Fish

Modern Egyptian Fashion for Women
When you think about Egypt, what comes to mind? If the answer is oversized jewelry and belly dancing garb, you're way off! Egyptian...

Egyptian Beauty Unveiled
Eyebrows are very important in Egypt. Some women have their brows tattooed on while others draw them in daily. The most popular style for ey

Money, Money, Money!
It’s no secret that traveling is very expensive. This is one of the main deterrents for many Americans. With the rising costs of...

Museum Dreams
One of the first and last places I visited in Egypt was the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. I was so nervous that my hands would not stop...

Egyptian Arabic: Basics 101
Communicating with Egyptians turned out to be much easier than I had anticipated. Most speak just enough English to get by in basic...

Drink Like a Fish
In most Muslim countries, drinking is illegal. In Saudi Arabia, those caught consuming alcohol are subjected to prison time and lashes. ...

Ramadan in the Ancient Land
When I realized the month of Ramadan fell into my vacation time in Egypt, I was overcome with excitement. This is the biggest holiday in...
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